This is the worst of the worst! Topix' Offbeat website released a Grossest Food From Every Single US State. As you scroll through the list some of them you have to question why and others are just downright strange.

When it comes the the "Grossest Food" in the state of South Dakota, the article says that food item is chislic?!? Are they nuts? So I asked around the building today to see if this is true! Everyone I talked to was a fan of Chislic. Only a few said that they liked the beef version and not the lamb.

The article goes on to say: "They're greasy cubes of meat on toothpicks. That's all they are. Somehow this is a regional delicacy."

Well sorry Topix, the old saying goes, don't knock if you haven't tried it. You can see other gross foods that other states enjoy by visiting the Tobix Offbeat website.

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