One of my favorite thing Al has done is taking super serious, songs and replacing the deep, meaningful lyrics with the plot of a summer blockbuster movie.
Weird Al Yankovic is out on his 'Ridiculously Self-Indulgent Ill-Advised Vanity Tour' where he's playing all originals, no parodies. Here are 3 of his best.
"Party at the Leper Colony" from 2003's Poodle Hat had fallen off my radar, I'd forgot how fun it is. Lyrically it is made up entirely of dismemberment puns. Entirely.
One of the simple joys of each 'Weird Al' album (except the first one) is the polka medley. Before the world of mashups and mix shows Al was taking bits of pop songs and stringing them together in a new creation.
I've been slammed on the ground by a cold this week. This was the only song I could think of. From Al's 1995 album Bad Hair Day, the grunge style parody "Callin' in Sick."