This 15 month journey of weight loss has garnered many encouraging comments from amazing people who I sincerely thank in the process of losing 160 pounds so far.

Now that I'm nearing the end of losing weight with only 14 pounds to go, some continue to rally to my support, while a new group of comments have honestly surprised me.  Here are the some of the stupid things that people have said about losing the last 20 pounds:

1) The last 20 pounds are the hardest: What the hell kind of comment is that?  Do you think the first 100 were easy?!  How about a little nudge of hope while I stress over if the final pounds will come of slower than the rest. Maybe it's the person making the comment feeling guilty that they can't drop their last 20 pounds.

2) Are you sure you don't have a serious illness: I can assure you this isn't some fluke that the 160 pounds didn't somehow mysteriously fall off my body.  My doctor is happy with the way I've chosen to eat and is encouraging me to continue.  All of my routine tests are just fine.

3) You look anorexic: Seriously, if you line me up with other normal weight women, you'd see I'm not anorexic.  When I lose my last 14 pounds, I will just be under the obese category, by one pound.

4) Just wait till you maintain the weight, that's more difficult than losing: How am I supposed to react to this comment? (which I'm hearing more and more all the time.) I'm committed to the long haul, so if you can't say anything positive, don't say anything.  My support team that I've hired to help me lose will be there to help me transition into maintaining and are there for weigh ins as often as I want.

5) How much do you weigh: None of your damn business!  I think people want to know how much I weigh so they can compare their weight with mine.  Of course I'll tell close friends in conversation without them even asking.  An acquaintance wanting to know: that's just rude.

Here's one of my before pictures, with my super encouraging niece Lauren and daughter Jenna.

Beth Warden/Results Radio
Beth Warden/Results Radio

And now with only 14 pounds to go:

Beth Warden/Results Radio
Beth Warden/Results Radio

Here is my motto:

Success is doing the right thing over and over every day.  If you mess up, make the right choice again and do it over and over again, every day.

Whether you have a small or large amount of weight to lose, you can do it and you are worth it.  Don't listen to the discouraging comments.  Talk kindly to yourself, stand up for yourself, you will overcome life's challenges.

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