Spoiler Alert: ‘This Is Us’ Recap and Reaction
Spoilers Ahead! Do not continue reading if you haven't watched the latest episode of This Is Us.
I fully expected to ugly cry while watching This Is Us, and I did. This is me at the first commercial break.
So, for those of us who watch the show, we knew this day was coming. Jack Pearson was going to die. For a long time we didn't know how or why, and slowly the puzzle pieces came together.
Jack Pearson died due to a house fire. A house fire that was started by a faulty crockpot. And that fire wasn't detected sooner because they forgot batteries for the smoke alarm.
However, we were lead to believe he died in the fire, whereas, he died due to complications from the fire.
The first 5 or so minutes were some of the most emotional and anxiety filled minutes of my life! I feel like I held my breath the whole time, but obviously that's impossible.
I actually started crying again this morning just talking about it.
All the Pearsons get out of the house and then the dog barks. The dog belongs to Kate, and if I remember right, she doesn't actually tell her dad to go back into the burning fire, he just did.
He comes out of the fire with the dog and photo albums and family heirloom stuff!
At the hospital, the doctor says you must have loved that dog, and Jack says, "I love the girl that loves the dog." No, you're crying.
Everything is fine and then at the hospital he goes into cardiac arrest due to complications from smoke inhalation.
That isn't the only big reveal in this episode though. At the end, we are introduced to our first flash forward. We've had present day and flashbacks, but we are going to the future! Crazy! They really did fake me out!
And Deja is back! What happened?
Also, it doesn't really matter how Jack died. The part that is relatable and sad is how everyone grieves differently. This episode showed us how each family member deals with the anniversary of Jack's death and, for the most part, there is no wrong way to grieve. That is something we all can relate to.
If you don't relate to at least some trait of one of the characters then are you even a person? I'm not a parent, but I am a sister and a daughter. And there is still something in Randall or Kevin or Jack that I relate to as well. If you are part of any kind of family unit at all. There is something in This Is Us for you.
But, don't get it twisted, This Is Us is humorous too! Sure, I cried like an idiot, but I laughed too! When Kevin admits that he doesn't know if he's at the right tree to honor his dad, I literally laughed out loud.
This Is Us is one of the only shows I prefer to watch live. Most of my regular shows I watch on DVR or streaming, but not This Is Us. I like the feel of community on social media during episodes of This Is Us. The whole cast tweets along and you realize you're not the only one ugly crying on your couch.
To be fair, it was also my birthday so I had cake. I don't usually sit around and cry while eating cake.
New episode on Tuesday and then a break for the Olympics, which I also love.
Gives us time to stock up on tissues!
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