19 Ways to Prep Yourself for a South Dakota Winter
Sioux Falls is a growing little city. New people moving here all the time. While many of our new neighbors come from the Midwest, there are plenty of sunbelt transplants.
Even if you have grown up in South Dakota, if this is your first winter out on your own, you have to think about yourself and prepare.
What's Winter Like in Sioux Falls?
Winter in Sioux Falls ain't no joke. Cold, snow, very cold, windy, cold. The 'best' part is we don't know what we're going to get.
It could be straight cold and snow from October until April. It could be dry and not too cold through Christmas, then snow, snow, and more snow all spring. Cold and snow will happen, we just know exactly when and where. That's why we have to be ready
So, for all our new friends here in Sioux Falls and for everyone striking out on their own for the first time, here are some tips to get you ready for winter.
19 Ways to Prep Yourself for a South Dakota Winter
When Does Sioux Falls Usually Get its First Snow?
Gallery Credit: Ben Kuhns