Sioux Falls has 3 Aldi store locations. One is located at 2808 S. Louise Avenue another at 5105 E. Arrowhead Parkway and the newest location opened up Wednesday, July 25 at 600 W. 85th Street. Well it looks like the company is planning on doing to remodeling to its 1,800 stores across the country.

According to Delish, they got a tour of one of the recently remodeled lotions in St. Charles, Illinois. You can expect more fresh food. A big reason for Aldi's remodel was the need for more refrigeration space. When you walk into a remodeled store, you'll see a much bigger produce and refrigerated section than you may be used to. Along with more organic produce, and have added a ton of new ready-to-eat items/

Among other changes you will see more on-the-go-foods and a larger variety of their cheap wine. The company has invested billions dollars in the remodel.

Source: Delish


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