Natty Light Giving Away Money to Pay Off Student Debt
I graduated from college in 2002. I am still paying off student loans. Part of what led me to stay in college too long is helping to pay off student debt.
Natural Light giving winners $100 for "renting" diplomas from college grads. That's pretty sweet but doesn't really help much with crushing student loan debt. Just go to NattyDiplomas.com and enter.
The beer company is also giving away $1 million to pay off student debt. All you have to do to enter is post on social media how you would celebrate if your student loans were paid off.
The Natural Light College Debt Relief Program will continue easing the transition from graduation to the real world by honoring the 10 year, $10M commitment towards student loans. Entry into the College Debt Relief Program also has a new twist in 2020. Any fan (21+) can post a video showing how they would celebrate if all their loans were paid off. Complete the submission by showing off the Natty Light logo in the video and inserting #NattyStories, #Contest and #2020 when its posted to social media.
If you are reading this and you have not yet gone to college, please think about what you really want to do with your life. If you don't know exactly what you want to do, or you want to do something that does not require a college degree, don't go to college.