The Sioux Falls Police Department is creating a new position to build relationships in the community, particularly with the many diverse groups that exist in Sioux Falls.

Officer Cynthia Holmquest was recently selected as the first Community Resource Officer and will begin her new duties on Monday, August 14th, 2017.

"Building positive relationships with our community members is a top priority for the Sioux Falls Police Department," says Police Chief Matt Burns. "We are excited to have an officer who can dedicate her time working with the numerous groups in Sioux Falls to open communication and solve issues before they become bigger problems."

"I'm looking forward to working with all the diverse groups and organizations in the City," says Officer Cynthia Holmquest. "This position will help create even more positive interaction with police."

Officer Holmquest is a four-year veteran with the police department. The new position will not add to current staffing levels.

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