Is the KKK Recruiting in Sioux Falls?
According to KSFY TV the Sioux Falls police department has received calls from some residents that they had found Ziploc baggies with Ku Klux Klan propaganda and candy.
One such baggie was found by Kristen Peterson of Sioux Falls. She said: "I was about a block away from my house and noticed this Ziploc baggie with candy in it on the sidewalk and I didn't think much of it, so I just kept walking.”
She ended up turning back to see what was in the bag and finding the propaganda and information encouraging people to join the KKK. Peterson stated that: “I was just kind of blown away. It was the last thing I expected to find in that Ziplock baggie."
The Argus Leader reports that Police Sgt. Sean Kooistra says while the content of the literature may be considered offensive, it would not be a violation of the law. But, Kooistra says the act of leaving the papers on a sidewalk or car windshield could be considered littering.
Executive Director of the Sioux Falls Multi-Cultural Center, Christy Nicolaisen, said although this isn't the first time she has seen this sort of thing, the way it was packaged is new. Nicolaisen said the Multi-Cultural Center does its best to promote diversity and inclusion across the city, but that things have really changed the last few years.
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