How Did You Get Your Nickname?
I was today years old when I found out that the Chuck in Chuck Norris wasn't short for Charles, but for Carlos.
Also, did you know that Ty Pennington's real name is Gary Tygert Burton Pennington? The Ty is short for Tygert! What?
Anyway, it got me thinking, usually, a nickname comes with a good story. Our listeners did not disappoint.
- My name is Sheyanne(pronounced Cheyenne) and my family wanted to nickname me shy but a year later a neighbor girl was born and they named her Shyanne... so she was nicknamed shy because of the spelling and I went to Shiner
- A coworker one day just said I'm gonna call you Leroy. 7yrs later I'm still Leroy at work.
- When "Timmmayyy" was introduced on South Park it changed my life lol. I went to a smaller high school in MN approximately 400 kids and I was the only Tim. It's all I heard Tim Tim timmaaayyyy down the halls it was great
- My brother nicknamed my tripod. I got a short haircut with bangs. She dried my hair and curled the ends under. When I got home my brother said your head looks like a triangle. Needless to say, I stopped letting the hairdresser dry/style my hair.
Did you have a good nickname story?
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