Hi, Ben here, and I’m on a mission to not be fat when I‘m 42. To do that I’ve partnered with Profile by Sanford and I want to take you with me on my journey.

I've made the great spring switch this week. The temperatures finally rose high enough for me to wear shorts! So long pants, see ya in September. What makes this year's pants-to-shorts transition exciting is that i got to dig out some old shorts that I haven't been able to wear in a while.

I have a closet of clothes that I had outgrown. Literally grown out of them, I got too big. That's fine for a two year-old, not so much for a 42 year-old. And to be honest, it's more like a corner of the closet, the rest is decided to my wife's stuff.

So when I saw that the weather was welcoming highs in the 70's the week, I took the opportunity to see if I could bring some old friends back into the clothing rotation. And I could,!  Some shorts that I haven't worn for years fit!

This is the kind of evidence of progress that really sinks in for me. I see the numbers on the scale go down, but that can get frustrating if I get focused on the day to day numbers. It's can also be hard to see changes in the mirror. But when I can put on old clothes that I remember trying to squeeze into, my Profile success hits me like lighting.

Keep up with Ben's journey by bookmarking Ben's blog. Got a question or comment? Connect on Twitter or email at ben@hot1047.com.


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