You might need to stock up on some extra pocket change if you are forced to park in downtown Sioux Falls on a consistent basis.

A new parking price increase was proposed at the City Council meeting on Tuesday night to increase the rates at parking meters, lots and ramps.

If passed parking meters in Sioux Falls would increase by 15 to 25 cents per hour while the monthly rates for parking in city lots and ramps would jump around $5.

If the measure is approved it would be the first price hike for ramps since 2009 and the first price jump for metered parking on Phillips Avenue in over ten years.

Public Parking Facilities Manager Matt Nelson said they brought in Walker Parking Consultant to compare Sioux Falls’ rates to other neighboring cities.

Nelson says the price increases are designed to ensure the city's ability to maintain its facilities while also fighting inflation.

According to Nelson, "We've created efficiencies in our system but we're running out of efficiencies so now we're adding conveniences for our customers so those costs as they go up, labor, what we're paying contractors, repairs, we've got to be able to pay the cost.”

Nelson laid out two main reasons why the city needs to enforce downtown parking.

“On the streets, we want to make sure we are creating turnover downtown we want to make sure parking spots are available for use if you come down to shop, to eat, to play, whatever it may be and for the ramps and lots, we want to make sure we charge an appropriate amount to maintain our parking lots and ramps in a safe condition and we want to be able to make new ramps in the future so we can keep up with the growth of downtown.”

Nelson added the main reason for these price increases is to be able to keep up with expenses over the next five to ten years.

The city hopes these proposed price jumps would create $200,000 toward maintaining the parking system.

Source: KDLT TV

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