I was watching Guardians of the Galaxy again the other day, as I'm sure we all do. Right?

Anyways, I got thinking; if one of my kids got sucked-up into a spaceship and joined a band of marauders traveling through the galaxy; what songs would I put on a mixtape for them?

Star Lord's mom put a bunch of her favorite songs on a tape from him. So, I better hedge my bets and get a playlist ready incase the aliens show up. I was a Boy Scout after all. Well, a Cub Scout and about a half Webelo, then our cable system got MTV. But I still learned to be prepared.

I have to start this Awesome Mix: Super Dad Millennium Edition with a some power. Which of course means Metallica.

Next, I got to keep the energy up with what I consider a near perfect rap song.

Then take it back to a song that has been in my top 5 for my entire life.

Next, let's strip it down with a perfect country song.

Follow that up with an artist I fist heard on an episode of Breaking Bad, and fell in love with.

Next has to be my favorite from my favorite rapper.

Back to the rock next.

Then of course we have to have this.

Then on of my fav love songs.

And as much as I want to include every Weird Al song, the limitations of a mixtape will only allow one.

Finally, the best way to end is with is classic.

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