Washington Pavilion Welcomes Tim Allen
Tim Allen, known best for his sitcoms, Home Improvement and Last Man Standing and as the voice of Buzz Lightyear, is going to make a stop in Sioux Falls.
Tim Allen is going back to his stand-up comedy roots and bringing his brand of humor to the Washing Pavilion on August 11 at 8 PM.
The show is described on Washington Pavilion's website as, "a rare evening of lively, outlandish and sure to be outrageously funny stand-up comedy."
The show has been designated for mature audiences only. The theatre is putting into affect an 18 and over age limit for this show.
The tickets go on sale April 11 for Pavilion Donors, April 12 for Pavilion members and subscribers, and April 13 for the general public. All sale times are 10 AM.
Tickets can be purchased online at washingtonpavilion.org or at the Washington Pavilion box office located at 301 S. Main Ave. in downtown Sioux Falls.
Do you think if I'm really nice he would give me Jonathan Taylor Thomas's phone number?
Hey, a girl can dream!
Tim Allen Through the Years
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