Amazon as a business and shopping destination has become a giant part of our society from a retail standpoint. While the charitable giving of Amazon is well noted, many don't know about one of the easiest features that an individual can utilize to boost the charitable giving of the big corporation.
The weather is cooling off day by day in the Sioux Empire, and the city has released it's Fall activity guide, providing residents and visitors with a ton of great options this season!
People across the Sioux Empire are staying at home and following the CDC guidelines, especially senior citizens or individuals with compromised immune systems. However, they still need to do housework, buy groceries, and run errands. Christ the King Church is here to help.
Anyone familiar with Dan Harmon’s Community tenure will likely remember behind-the-scenes conflict that culminated in his termination, and eventual return. Now, amid the many airings of grievance around Hollywood, fan-favorite writer Megan Ganz called Harmon out for his abrasive – even intimidating – behavior in the writers room.
Long before Yahoo Screen swooped in for a sixth season of Community, prevailing thought had Hulu continuing the Greendale Gang’s adventures fulltime, given their exclusive rights to the first five seasons. That time obviously passed, but a new deal finally puts all six seasons available to stream on Hulu. Hashtag #OneDayTheMovieToo?