South Dakota’s Best ‘Off The Interstate': Welcome To Freeman!
Oh sure, you can zip across South Dakota on the Interstate. You can get from here to there in a hurry. But you'll be missing a lot if you do that!
Many of our finest towns and communities are a bit off the beaten path. These friendly folks live a ways 'Off The Interstate'. Let's visit one right now.
Welcome to Freeman.
Now, Freeman isn't actually 'off the beaten path', after all there it is right on Highway 81 in Hutchinson county. Home to around 1,300 folks or so, I suppose the first thing that comes to my mind when I think Freeman is chislic! More about that in a bit...
It was close to 150 years ago that Freeman was born, thanks largely to immigrants from Russia. What helped this brand new town of Freeman grow? The railroad, of course, just like the rails spurred the growth of so many other communities, not only across South Dakota but across the entire country.
So all these many years later (and, of course, not being on the Interstate), how can Freeman continue to not only maintain but thrive? Perhaps some words from the city's website say it best:
Still rooted in agriculture, our area's connection to food and food systems continues to be a vital one for the community. But Freeman’s economic base has also broadened to include strong retail, tourism, manufacturing, service, and educational components.
Oh, and the Chislic? Stop on in and try some. If you're not exactly sure what it is, trust me, you'll love it. And if you do know what it is, you'll find the best you've ever had here in Freeman!
Freeman is under 45 minutes from Sioux Falls, Mitchell, and Yankton...in other words, its smack dab in the middle of everything! It's an easy leisurely drive and worth the time.

The Perry Nature Area
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