South Dakota Giving Tuesday More than Another Catchy Name
We've had Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and now instead of shopping, you have the wonderful opportunity to give. Giving Tuesday began in 2012 as a way to kick off the charitable season and support philanthropy year round.
This year for the first time, almost 400 non-profit organizations are participating in the first-ever "Day of Giving" (Tuesday, November 27). South Dakota Gives has gathered all of these groups on their website. You merely need to go there, click on an organization you'd like to know more about or donate to and you're on your way!
No matter where your interests lie, there is something for you; from animals to the environment, homelessness and hunger to literacy, mental health, children's services, veterans or voting issues, there is an organization which would be grateful for your charitable gift.
People here in Sioux Falls have always been astoundingly charitable (in my opinion) and in a recent study by Wallet Hub, South Dakotans came in 6th in the country for volunteering and 22nd overall when combining charitable giving and service.
To me, this indicates that South Dakotans have always put the philosophy of Giving Tuesday to good use.
Sources: Giving Tuesday and South Dakota Gives
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