Headlines each day are filled with new discoveries of sexual violence, predators, rape and the victims barely holding it together. It has touched many of us in some way and people in our own community are not immune.

The Compass Center (TCC) will offer a one hour forum that addresses how to create a healthy response when a friend or relative is a sexual violence survivor. The forum will takes place January 24th at 1:00 PM at the University Center – Avera Hall. The event is free and open to the public.

Statistics show that 1 out of every 6 American women and 1 in 33 men have experienced an attempted or complete rape in their lifetime.

Everyone knows a survivor; they just do not realize it.

South Dakota’s rate of forcible rape if 45% higher than the national average according to FBI statistics for 2016

TCC provides free counseling to primary and secondary survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence.

Included at the forum will be information about ways to best support a sexual violence survivor. Attendees will learn how to safely prevent sexual assaults from happening through bystander intervention.

For more information contact the Compass Center by calling 605-339-0116 or register here online.

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