SD Free Fishing and Free State Park Entrance this Weekend
The word Free is a welcome term these days for many and free this weekend takes on the meaning of free fishing throughout South Dakota. And it comes with a bonus.
The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) invites you to get outside and enjoy our state parks too. This weekend, May 15-17, you can enjoy a beautiful spring weekend. The entrance fee to all state parks in South Dakota is being waived for both residents and non-residents. And you can fish anywhere in the state free.
Just remember to abide by the state's fishing regulations and limits.
As the forecast looks favorable for most of the state why not make it a camping weekend? Put the kids to work inventorying your supplies, make sure to get fishing bait and s’ more fixings. Camping fees still apply.
“It’s a great opportunity for folks to shake off the cobwebs, check out the parks, and participate in their favorite outdoor activity. Our parks are a great place for social distancing, and we all deserve some quality time in the outdoors.”
Simpson also stated that visitors will start seeing some normalcy in available amenities such as showers, bathrooms, and fish cleaning stations.
For those concerned with sanitation due to COVID-19 Simpson says all comfort stations will be cleaned thoroughly each day and inspected often. However, taking responsibility for your own health is imperative during this time.
Source: SDGFP

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