The South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks is set to take over Spring Creek Country Club in 2025. Their preferred idea seems to be that of turning it into a trailer park.
Hunters know it's hard to get every hunting license you want every year. South Dakota has a chance for you to win three of the best tags you could ever get.
With a fair amount of rain last week and a lot of sun this week, road ditches are getting pretty hairy with grass. But if you have an urge to do that mowing you have to hold off on that.
Mother's Day is coming up. While it will be cool this weekend, you'll have a chance to hang out with mom, socially distanced outdoors and do some fishing for free.
Lots of people have been getting out with their poles and trying to reel one in. However, depending on where you go, some facilities are closed due to COVID-19.