Pizza Post Is Back
Remember back to this Summer when I told you all about Pizza Post in Sloan and how I was devastated that they were closing?
Well, the best thing in life has happened. It's an early Christmas Miracle!
New owners took on the challenge of creating the best bread sticks, quite possibly in the world! The restaurant reopened this week!
According to KCAU in Sioux City, "It’s something that we have been wanting to do for quite a while Teresa and I. We had talked about it for a long time or whatever and when the opportunity came Rhonda had come and asked me if we would be, if I would be willing to do that. We went ahead and jumped both feet in,” new owner Angie DeRoin said.
I'm so glad they did! The Pizza Post also offers delivery now. Do you think they would deliver to Sioux Falls?
When I go home for the holidays, maybe I'll skip the traditional dinner and just request that we go to Pizza Post!
Seriously, those bread sticks are all I need in life.
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