Orange is the New Black Season 5 First 60 Seconds
I still don't know if I'm emotionally prepared for a new season of Orange is the New Black.
After last season's shocking death, I'm not sure I can go on. Who am I kidding? Bring on season five.
Season five premieres on Netflix on June 9th. That is still so far away! However, the inter webs has gifted us with the first minute of the new season.
After a not so great season three, I thought season four came back with a vengeance, and set us up for a crazy season five.
If you remember back to last season, we were left with Daya holding a gun on a guard after Poussey was killed (accidentally) by a guard in the cafeteria.
In a weird way, Poussey's death brought the otherwise divided prison together, but this is crazy! We are still left wanting to know more. Does she shoot the guard? Does she shoot the ceiling? Does someone else accidentally get shot? Does she, and I hope I'm wrong, shoot herself?
Plus, after last season I want to know where the guard Bennett went and if he's coming back to claim his baby! Jerk.
Why is June 9th so far away?
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