One South Dakota Family’s Memories Are Being Turned Into Photo NFT Project
You may know Sioux Falls resident, Wes Eisenhauer, from the rap group Soulcrate or his new band Sun Daze, or maybe you know him from his awesome photography on Instagram.
Well, Wes now has a new venture that is catching the attention of Snoop Dogg. Maybe?

Let me explain.
Wes Eisenhauer started a new project and website called The Last Time We Were Young. The inspiration for this project is none other than his parents.
He explains on the website, "I love looking around the attic in the home that I grew up in. It brings me back to another time. Dusty old sports trophies, boxes of baseball cards, abandoned board games, and stacks upon stacks of old photo albums. Over the holidays, I was digging around and I came across a box in the attic marked "Road Trip". It was filled with old Kodachrome color negative slides that my mom and dad had shot over 40 years ago. I felt like I had found a secret treasure."
All the Kodachrome slides were from a road trip his parents had taken in June and July of 1978 throughout the Western United States.
Some of these images are really cool! I see where Wes got his talent for photography.
Wes then took all the slides and digitally scanned them from 35mm Kodak Kocharome slides in resolution 4400 x 2800 px -300 dp. Then the photos were minted as a series of 50-1/1 editions on a blockchain. I don't totally know what any of that means, but now they are all NFTs you can bid on!
The Last Time We Were Young project just went live on February 23, 2022, and I chatted with Wes about how it was going. He shared an interesting story, "A big Twitter account named Cozomo de' Medici bought one of the NFTs in the collection yesterday. I didn’t think much of it, but then people started blowing up my inbox after I tweeted about it. People are claiming that Snoop Dogg is the person behind the Twitter account. Twitter is a wild place."
There is even some evidence of Snoop's online persona, check out this article from Fortune.
This statement on the website really struck me, "This is why photography is important. With a little age, seemingly insignificant moments in time become windows into our past that give us a glimpse of a place we once visited or a person we once were."
It's so true! On a personal note, I know ever since my mom passed away, I wish we had more photos. Especially of the insignificant moments.
This whole project just gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling.
To look through and bid on the NFTs make sure to check out TheLastTimeWeWereYoung.com
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