I’m A Super Smart Adult But…
I saw a meme the other day that was probably the most relatable thing I had ever seen.
It said:
Me: I am a strong, intelligent, and university educated person.
Also me: Wed-nes-day
It got me thinking, I wonder what other little tricks people use on a regular basis.
Of course, our listeners did not disappoint.
Some of their answers were:
- Tom or row for tomorrow
- Bananas by Gwen Stefani 😝 I must sing the song to know how to spell the fruit
- Lefty Lucy Righty tighty
- B-e-a-u-tiful. Ever since Bruce almighty I can't think of it any other way and if I'm feeling blonde it's helpful for spelling
- 8 x 8 = 64; 8 x 8 fell on the floor when they got up there were 64
- also when multiplying by 9 I hold 10 fingers out in front of me and put down the finger I'm multiplying by so nine times three I would put down my third finger and it's 27 (I had never heard of this one, but it's fascinating to me.)
- The sun rises in the east, E for eggs for breakfast. The sun sets in the west, an upside down M for midnight
- Also spell out Feb-ru-ary so I spell it correctly, lol.
- To get her / together
- Roy G. Biv for the colors of the rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
The response I got the most was about Gwen Stefani and Bruce Almighty helping people spell. Who knew?
What little trick do you still use?
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