I Rode a Horse This Weekend! (Kind of)
I knew I was going to visit friends in Dell Rapids on Saturday night, but I didn't know I was going to ride a horse.
I haven't been around horses much at all. I rode on one at church camp when I was 12, and I will emphasize that I was not in control at all as that guy was trained to follow a specific horse but to wherever we were going. I wasn't in control of Dolly at all either. My friends' daughter Aubrey led me around the barrels that had set up in a field where she normally puts her through the paces.
It was really cool, not to mention funny, that Aubrey's dad was unable to catch up to Dolly in the coral to get a halter on her. Aubrey was the only one who could do that as she has spent the most time with her.
Now if you look at the pictures of me sitting on Dolly and I look mildly uncomfortable, you're right. The stirrups are set up for a 9-year-old, not an adult. I was also cramping in my hip terribly in the picture below. After I stood up for a bit in the stirrups, my muscles calmed down and was able to ride around in relative comfort.
All in all, it was really cool. It was a lot of fun to be around such powerful animals. And while I don't think I'm going to go horse shopping anytime soon, I look forward to another experience on an animal so big and strong that my big 260-pound butt is no big deal to them.
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