Are you ready to escape the big city and head to the middle of nowhere for starry night skies, the smell of s'mores toasting over a campfire and the sounds of kids splashing in the water. Sounds pretty awesome right now!

Camping reservations are now being accepted for this spring and summer at South Dakota State Parks. You can reserve your camping spot 90 days prior to your stay. Here's a list of reservation dates and important camping weekends. You can also see a full calendar of dates at GFP.SD.GOV.

Don't have a camper and not a fan of roughing it in a tent? Rent one of the many cabins available at several South Dakota State Parks. You can rent cabins up to 90 days in advance.

If you plan on staying over a holiday weekend, a three-night stay is required.

State park entrance licenses cost $30 for one vehicle and $15 for the second.

Don't forget, several parks have fun events planned all summer long. Check out the calendar of events.

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