Here’s the List of New Laws Awaiting Governor Daugaard’s Signature
The halls of the South Dakota Capital building in Pierre are much quieter today, after the end of the main run of the legislative session on Friday (March 9). Before leaving, the General Appropriations bill was approved to set the next fiscal year's budget.
The next time the lawmakers will gather March 26, to address any vetoes, if necessary.
Here is a list of what awaits Governor Daugaard to pen approval or veto:
HB = House Bills
SB = Senate Bills
HB 1081. Extend the effective date of certain provisions regarding the recreational use of non-meandered water.
HB 1102 . Clarify certain provisions regarding the great seal of South Dakota and to establish a penalty for misrepresentation of the great seal.
HB 1168. Revise certain provisions regarding the abandonment or dissolution of television translator districts.
HB 1172. Revise certain provisions regarding meetings of certain public bodies.
HB 1174. Revise certain provisions regarding rights for crime victims. (Marsy's Law)
SB 20 . Enact the State and Province Emergency Management Assistance Memorandum of Understanding.
SB 59. Authorize the Department of Tourism to permit certain commercial advertising in information centers.
SB 62. Provide for the notification related to a breach of certain data and to provide a penalty therefor.
SB 76 . Authorize the use of tribal identification cards for the purpose of voter registration.
SB 81. Revise certain provisions regarding the building South Dakota fund and the programs funded thereunder.
SB 83 . Authorize certain patriotic societies access to public schools. To Senate Education.
Bills of interest that are dead:
HB 1073 . Provide for the protection of free speech on the campuses of public institutions of higher education.
HB 1103 . Require state agencies to comply with the appropriate display or use of the state seal.
HB 1144. Authorize a public body to conduct certain deliberations in an executive or closed meeting.
HB 1182. Provide certain protection to state and local government employees regarding the disclosure of information in good faith.
HB 1187. Require grant performance measurement information be displayed on the department website.
HB 1192. Revise certain programs and promote efficiency in state government and to make an appropriation therefor.
HB 1193. Revise certain programs and promote efficiency in state government.
HB 1216. Provide for limits on certain out-of-state contributions to ballot question committees.
HB 1238. Lower the state sales and use tax on certain food items and to increase the rate of taxation for the sales and use tax on certain goods and services.
HB 1239. Revise certain provisions regarding the inspection and copying of public records.
HB 1242. Provide for freedom of expression for students in school-sponsored media.
HB 1274 Increase the tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products and to appropriate the revenues.
HB 1282 Provide certain notice requirements regarding out-of-state contributions to ballot question committees.
HB 1288. Provide contractors' excise, sales, and use tax refunds for the filming of certain motion pictures, documentaries, television advertisements, or television films.
HB 1290. Provide for disclosure of certain contents of public-private partnership agreements and to provide a penalty for failure to disclose.
HB 1309. Revise certain sales tax exemptions and the tax rate on the sale of food.
HB 1316. Require approval of certain federal grants.
SB 4. Revise certain provisions relating to the contractor's excise tax revenues that are deposited into the building South Dakota fund.
SB 5 . Establish a tax refund program for certain workforce housing projects. To Senate State Affairs. Deferred to the 41st day 7 to 1.
SB 79 . Authorize for voters with no party affiliation to sign nominating petitions for candidates with a party affiliation.
SB 84 . Revise certain provisions regarding public records. To Senate Judiciary. Amended. .
SB 85. Require the Legislature to use the rules of procedure as adopted by the preceding session of the Legislature.
SB 192. Provide for the disclosure of certain documents and records of public officials.
SB 195. Establish certain provisions regarding the state procurement process for internet, data, and telecommunications services.
SB 198. Provide for the protection of free speech on the campuses of public institutions of higher education.
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