Even though these laws are rarely ever enforced nowadays, they still are on the books in South Dakota. Here are the Ten Commandments of South Dakota Law:
A new Minnesota law taking effect January 1st, 2025 will make it illegal for restaurants to add most mandatory fees. This is just one of many new laws taking effect in the new year.
When we flip the calendar over to 2025 in Louisiana, several new laws will go into effect, ranging from those involving hemp products to homeowner's insurance, imported seafood, and more.
Is it really possible that nearly all of the pretty Christmas lights you see are actually illegal? Some say there are new laws that make lights many have used for years in Missouri and Illinois against the law. There is some truth to what they say, but the answer is beneath the surface.
A city in Arizona just put a law into place limiting the number of certain types of cars residents can have parked in their driveways or on their property.
When people decorate for the holidays many people also decorate their car. But is it legal to decorate your car with Christmas lights or a wreath in Minnesota?