It's a blessed event at Custer State Park in the Black Hills, and it won't be the last.

The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department says the first buffalo calf of the season, a bull calf, has been born at the park. It was spotted April 8 and at that time was believed to be five to eight days old.

The reason we say it won't be the last birth at the state's signature park is that Custer State Park has more than 800 head of bison, and park officials are expecting 400 or so calves.

The birth is a bit early, but not out of the ordinary. GF&P officials say calves are generally born in May, but the first to arrive can show up in late March or early April.

Now if you're visiting the park and you see a buffalo calf by itself, it's not an orphan, so for pity's sake don't go over to pet it!

Mama buffalo can roam up to a mile away from her calf, and she's coming back. And let's face it--you really don't want to know just how protective the mother buffalo can be.

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