Falls Park Vandalized Early Sunday Morning
Sioux Falls Police are looking for information regarding the person or persons that vandalized Falls Park over the weekend.
KSFY TV is reporting the incident took place during the overnight hours on Sunday (October 28).
Sioux Falls Parks Department employees discovered early Sunday morning that someone had done damage to several of the light poles and Christmas decorations within Falls Park.
One Sioux Falls resident finds the act of vandalism to Falls Park particularly upsetting.
Christopher Reistroffer was out walking his dog early Sunday morning when he noticed all the broken lights on the ground and broken Christmas lights off of the bridge. Reistroffer told KSFY, “I think it’s a letdown to know that there are young people, likely, in our community that don’t have anything better to do, and they don’t have an understanding of what it means to be a part of a community.”
Reistroffer believes the individual or individuals responsible for vandalizing Falls Park should be required to work hand in hand with the Sioux Falls Parks Department to fix the damage they've done.
According to KSFY Reistroffer says, "They can come out they can fix what they've damaged, and I think it would be great to have those same young folks be a part of some of the events that we have going on here in Sioux Falls. So they can understand that whether they found it funny or not they are a part of our community.”
At this time authorities have no further information regarding the crime and are asking for the help of the public in locating the suspects. Should you have any information regarding the Falls Park vandalism case from over the weekend, you're asked to please contact the Sioux Falls Police Department or Crime Stoppers of the Sioux Empire at 367-7007.
Source: KSFY TV
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