‘Boy Band’ Finale, Who Made the Cut?
Summer TV is always interesting. This Summer was no different.
One show I got sucked into was ABC's Boy Band. Three 'architects' helped eliminate thousands of boys until there were five!
Reminiscent of the reality show from 2000, Making the Band, Boy Band was a little different. On Making the Band we saw the guys living together and the notorious Lou Pearlman was the 'mastermind'. However, on Boy Band, the show was more performance driven.
Making the Band gave us O-Town, which had mediocre success, whereas Boy Band gave us In Real Life. Yeah, that's the name they came up with. (Insert eye roll.) And time will tell if they make it big.
I got sucked in because Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys was an 'architect' alongside Emma Bunton from The Spice Girls and Timbaland.
Anyway, the finale was last night and the top 8 was whittled down to 5. After the nationwide vote the final five are:
- Sergio Calderon
- Michael Conor
- Chance Perez
- Drew Ramos
- Brady Tutton
And their first single is, "Eyes Closed."
Check out the finale five in their first performance as a group on the Boy Band finale.
Who knows what the future holds for In Real Life? I mean, One Direction was put together on X Factor and that seemed to work out.