Maddie Poppe is currently in the top seven on American Idol, but she's got midwestern roots.

Maddie is from Clarksville, IA. Clarksville is north of Des Moines.

Maddie Poppe has seemed to be a judge's favorite on this season of American Idol. She accompanies herself on guitar and ukulele and she has been praised for her song choices. She really knows what works for her voice. She has even done some original songs that the judges have seemed to like.

Not that my opinion really matters, but I agree that Maddie has a way of picking really good songs for her voice. Some of the songs, I've never heard before, but she sounds good singing them.

My favorite performance of hers so far was Disney night. When I think Disney songs, "Bare Necessities" isn't usually the first thing to pop into my brain, but Maddie made it her own and it totally suited her.

On Maddie's website, it shows that she's been on the grind way before Idol. She has music to buy online and pictures and videos from local shows including RAGBRAI.

KCRG in Cedar Rapids, IA put this together about Maddie.

As a fellow Iowan, I sure know who I'm voting/rooting for!

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