According to the American Cancer Society's Breast Cancer Facts & Figures publication, last year over 230,000 women were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Over 35,000 were expected to die. Yes progress is being made every day and yet we still lose loved ones to this insidious disease. Almost everyone has a connection to someone who has had it, fought it and won- - or lost, or has it now.

My friend Kim Brenden fought it twice. She was cancer-free for almost a decade, but when it returned in multiple locations, the ending was not recovery. Kim's approach to cancer was just like her approach to everything; keep moving forward, keep hoping for the best, keep living a life that matters. And she did. She embraced living in a way most of us don't take the time to, because we always believe we have more. Kim was a role model to other breast cancer victims and an inspiration to everyone who knew her and many who did not.

Mammogram-the word

"Embracing Life" is the philosophy and the name of a Breast Cancer Survivor's Retreat being presented by Sanford Health, Sanford Cancer Center and the local community. It is coming up on Thursday, October 16th from 9 am to 4 pm at the Icon Lounge in downtown Sioux Falls at 402 N. Main. Breakfast and refreshments will be served and the Icon is providing lunch as well. The cost is $25 and space is limited so register here as soon as possible.

You'll learn from cancer experts and each other about your journey through a cancer diagnosis. There is wisdom, grace and support awaiting you! For more information call 605-328-4592.


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