10 Years of Legal Pot: 12 Frequently Asked Questions About Colorado’s Weed Laws
In 2022, it's been 10 wild years since Colorado legalized marijuana. Now the state known for the Mile High City is known as a state to "get high" in. What's the latest info on our pot industry?
2021 was another big year for marijuana in Colorado. Did you catch how it's now legal to carry 2 ounces of pot instead of just 1? That went into effect in the middle of May; you know at least one person was pushing for it to be signed on April 20.
MORE: Ever Wondered Why Cannabis Is Illegal In The First Place? (Video)
Amendment 64, in 2012, under Governor Hickenlooper's term, was the one that made recreational use of and retail sale of marijuana OK for Coloradans. Medical marijuana had been OK since 2000, so it only took us another 12 years to get the "fun" stuff legalized.
I don't use recreational marijuana, though I'm not against the use; it just seems to make me tired. Maybe, I just haven't found the right strain for myself. There are a lot of them, that's for sure. I have had an edible, and it also definitely slowed me down.
How about you? Do you enjoy some pot every now and again, or no? I wonder how many Coloradans partake. There are about 3 million of us in Colorado. I bet we'd be surprised.

Other Questions About Marijuana in Colorado:
- How much marijuana has Colorado sold since legalization?
- How much does marijuana cost in Colorado?
- What are Colorado's popular strains?
- How much marijuana can you grow at home in Colorado?
- How is that Colorado marijuana tax money being spent?
- What are the big pot dispensaries in Colorado?
We dig into these questions and more: