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10 Food that Help Get You Get Through a South Dakota Winter

Winter in South Dakota ain't no joke. It's not all winter wonderland and cute hat and glove combos.

It's snowy and freaking cold under gray skies. Just the right combination of things to make you fantasize about Arizona.

Don't worry though, it'll be over soon and we can enjoy our one-of-a-kind summers. Plus we have a delicious line-up of warm comfort food to help get through it all.

And quit dreaming, SD is waaayyy better than AZ for lots of reasons, but especially: NO Tarantulas.

Gallery Credit: Ben Kuhns

My Top 5 Favorite South Dakota Made Foods

As I was slicing a piece of cheese off my block of Dimock Dairy Colby cheese and boiling a ring of Bluebird Locker German sausage on the stove, I started thinking, "What foods is South Dakota known for?'

Then I realized the state is known for some of my favorite foods, are they're actually made right here in South Dakota!

So, I decided to search my cupboards and refrigerator looking for other South Dakota-made foods and came up with my Top 5.

LOOK: Food history from the year you were born

From product innovations to major recalls, Stacker researched what happened in food history every year since 1921, according to news and government sources.

Gallery Credit: Joni Sweet



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