Young South Dakotans Moving Out of Mom and Dad’s House Earlier
Nationally, nearly 35% of young people - ages 18 to 34 - still live at mom and dad's house. There's probably nothing wrong with your 20 something kid living under your roff until they land on their feet or see some greater financial security, but some state see this a lot more than others.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau's findings, South Dakota had one of the lowest rates in the nation for young adults living at their parent's house at only 19%. North Dakota had a slightly smaller average.
Meanwhile, New Jersey had the highest percentage in the nation with a whopping 47% of young adults still living with the parents.
The stastistics were compliled using average home and rental prices. Yes, cost of living is considerably cheaper in the Midwest and easier for young adults to strike out on their own and find work.
Digg has a sweet map to check out.
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