Could you use a little extra cash just before Christmas, to buy some gifts for someone, or just a little present for yourself?

Just in time for Christmas, Hot 104.7 and Reliabank are giving you twelve chances to score $100 with the 12 Hours of Christmas!

For one day only, Tuesday December 22, 2020, Hot 104.7 will give away $100 every hour for twelve hours. Starting just after 6:30am, listen for the cue to call in and if you are the tenth caller you will win $100 from Reliabank. It is as simple as that!

In each of the twelve hours, 6am, 7am, 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, and 5pm, someone will win $100 by simply being the tenth caller at 605-361-5557.

The cue to call can play at any time during the hour. There is no set amount of time between individual giveaways.

Also, if you have the Hot 104.7 app, you will receive an alert on you smart device telling you that it is time to call in and win at the same exact time the cue to call airs live. So if you normally listen on the app, you won't have to worry about the delay from the live FM broadcast.

On this one day, Andy and Tasha will not be doing 5 Seconds to Cash in order to give away $100 during the 7am hour.

You must be at least 18 years of age to participate and reside in the Hot 104.7/KKLS-FM listening area of South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, or Nebraska to be eligible to win. All general Hot 104.7 Contest rules apply.

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