The picture above was recently posted on Instagram, implying that most women hog the bed. However, that might not be the case here in Sioux Falls.

We posted the picture on Facebook to get people's feedback. Though many people agreed with the picture...

  • Crash OnThe Bee - SO true, and I'm a foot taller and one hell of a lot heavier than my wife, yet left with the edge. WTH?
  • Christina Palmer - Absolutely ..
  • Bee Urfer - My bf would agree
  • Kelly Walsh Cacaro - That seems about right!
  • Kelsey Miiller - My boyfriend would agree
  • LaShawnda Enright - yes, but only problem is that his side wouldn't have any covers.

It seemed more people disagreed with the picture. Of course, most of them were women, so how objective could they really be (hey, we kid because we love)...

  • Lanete Kotilnek - When I was married, it was the exact opposite. I basically had to cling to the edge of the bed while he and the 2 dogs pushed me out...
  • Tina Vostad Pruett - The opposite was true with my ex-husband! The "His" side is about how much space I had to sleep on each night.Angela 'Hecht' Blommer - Completely opposite for me and my husband.
  • Beth Boden - Sadly, this doesn't reign true for me! My significant other has a tendency to push me up against the wall/sleep diagonally! So really he takes up more room than I do!
  • John Buckmillerjohn - other way around
  • Jessica Braun - Complete opposite for us!
  • Heather Axsom - no!! my bf is super tall and skinny and he owns the her side of the bed lol
  • Wendy Fitzgerald - Hell no
  • Jenny West - that's the oppiset at my house
  • Charity Dupuy - My husband takes up more of our bed then I do
  • Sharona Neuroth - I wish, but total opposite for me. My honey is a bed hog.

Of course, there were many who pointed to a completely different source of bed-hoggery (is that even a word)?

  • Clay Renshaw Sr. - Where does the dog sleep?
  • Katie Visser - Not if you have dogs, they will be in the her side spot, we will be in his spot.
  • Caleb Ryan - Ya wheres the space for the cute husky and pomeranian husky?!
  • Jessica Sachtjen - Nope... we both sleep in the his part and our dogs take up the hers part!
  • Kate Garrison My boyfriends thinks they need to add a section of "his side" for the dog too
  • Mary Muchow Brandsma - NO!!! Totally opposite, and add a dog space in the middle!!!
  • Teia Rolfes - 60% hubby, 20% cats, 20% me. Mike Rolfes

And in one case, I think we may have made the bedroom a very uncomfortable place...

  • Kyle Timmerman - I agree with the pic Pam Timmerman!!!
  • Pam Timmerman - I agree other way around!

So, what do you think? Who takes up most of the room in the bed?

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