Your phone and your tablet may be stacked or even overloaded with apps.  Just how many of those do you use on a regular basis?

To add to the mix are some new start ups for 2015:

  • Storehouse: A quick easy to navigate app to share photos and videos.
  • Sidecar: No, not the drink!  For frequent travelers and business people on the road that want to choose how much you pay for your ride.
  • Seamless: If you eat out a lot and want to change that to eating at home or calling for takeout at work.
  • Moment: The perfect app for an active family.  Or in this case an over-active-phone-family.

There are apps that you use for work, help with your family, ones that are research tools and to entertain you.  And then there are the apps that you've downloaded once and never used again.

Goal for 2015?  To find the app that covers all apps!

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