Two Songs From ‘Mary Poppins Returns’ Released
We are only two weeks away from Mary Poppins Returns and if you're like me, you can't even.
It seems like it was just announced that there was going to be another Mary Poppins movie. I can't believe it's almost here.
To tide us over until Mary's arrival, Disney has released two songs from the movie.
One is called "The Place Where Lost Things Go" and it is all Mary! We get to hear Emily Blunt in her full Mary Poppins glory! I just know this song will make me cry in the movie. I'm fully prepared. I'll have my popcorn and tissues at the ready.
The other song is called "Trip A Little Light Fantastic." This song is sung by Lin-Manuel Miranda as Jack. I had to look up the phrase because I had never heard it before. According to Wikipedia, it means, "...to dance nimbly or lightly, or to move in a pattern to musical accompaniment." So there you have it. I'm hoping for a big dance number like only Disney can do! I feel like this song will be what "Step in Time" was to the original Mary Poppins.
Two weeks and counting until we jaunty saunter to the theatre!
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