FUTURE FAKE NEWS: November 1, 2014 for immediate release:
Monday a Sioux Falls boy began to circulate a petition to place an initiative on the ballot in November calling for every night to be pizza night. Twelve year old Tom Paris said in a statement that the petition is in response to the rejection of his efforts to influence the planing of family meals.

"At a recent family meeting I proposed that we expand pizza night from it's traditional Friday night to a seven night-a-week event," Paris said, "pizza is delicious and I want it for supper every night. By denying my request my parents are ignoring the facts. There are pizza restaurants all over the city, you can see freezers full of pizzas at the stores and even gas stations. This to me is a clear sign that the people of Sioux Falls want me to have pizza every night and the voter's voices are being ignored by those in power at my house."

Paris says that when he proposed his plan it was flatly rejected by the heads of his household, his parents.

"There was no discussion," he said of the family meeting where he made his proposal, "I really think they are being hasty in their decision making. To say no to something that I want is just wrong. This is definitely an issue that should be put before the voters of Sioux Falls. The voice of the people must be heard."

Paris says this course of action was inspired by a recent wave of petitions in Sioux Falls to put various issued to public votes. He said that the recent effort to put Initiative #8472, known as the "I Don't Like Mondays" ballot issue, on the November ballot was what first gave him the idea. But, what spurred him into action was the efforts by the Sioux Falls Hey I Wanted My Team To Win Committee to place Initiative #74656 on the November ballot.

"I read on the SFHIWMTTWC's Facebook page that the sun was in that kids eyes, otherwise he would have caught that ball and his team would have been the T-Ball champs. That's just wrong and the voters of Sioux Falls must stand up for what is right."

So far, Paris says he has the support of his younger brother, "In the end no matter what the people decide I will still continue my fight to get things to go my way."

When reached for comment Paris' father Owen Paris said, "Wait...what...are you serious? How'd you get this number? Who is this?"

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