The Rumors Are True, Double Dare Returns This Summer
Double Dare,” a children’s game show that aired on Nickelodeon in the late 80's and early 90's showcased two teams compete to win cash and prizes by answering trivia questions and completing messy stunts is coming back!
Rumors have been swirling over the past few years that the popular television show was coming back, well yesterday Nickelodeon announced a new version of Double Dare, which will be the second revival of the show. Double Dare 2000 aired on Nick from January to November 2000.
Already 40 episodes have been ordered for the revival. The network said in a news release:
"With Double Dare remaining an iconic touchstone for its original millennial audiences, the new version will feature the gameplay and challenges they remember, as well as appearances from blasts from the past and stars from today."
Marc Summers was the host of the original show from 1986 to 1993. The network said that a new host will be announced in the next couple of weeks.
See also: