Driving from Sioux Falls to the Black Hills is a hefty trip. It's pretty difficult to make it across the state without taking a pit stop.

If your bladder can take it, it takes about five hours to make the trip. If you're the average person you will need to stop somewhere. So what are the best places to make that quick stop to refuel and relieve yourself?

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I-90's Best Pit Stops

Driving from Sioux Falls to the Black Hills is a hefty trip. It's pretty difficult to make it across the state without taking a pit stop. If your bladder can take it, it takes about five hours to make the trip. If you're the average person you will need to stop somewhere. So what are the best places to make that quick stop to refuel and relieve yourself?

I went to Black Hills State University in Spearfish and my family and I take at least one trip there every year. I have traversed the state probably a hundred times or more. If you are going to make a stop along the way, these are the places to make it.

11 Things You’ll Only Understand After Living in South Dakota

From soda to pop to sloppy Joes, different parts of the country have their local quirks and language. Simple phrases can have totally different means, local events may seem weird, and food may go by a unique name.

If you're new to South Dakota here is a sort of translation guide for some odd things you may see or hear.

Gallery Credit: Ben Kuhns

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