The 4 Strangest Things in My Backpack / Purse
I carry a backpack to work with me every day. Its primary job is as a protective case for my laptop. But it also serves as a storage container for all the things I might possibly need. It also holds things I don't need. I don't know why.
If you carry the same bag, purse, or backpack around long enough, you are likely to find weird stuff contained within. I have had my Swiss Gear Synergy laptop backpack for so long, the cell phone pouch is made for a tiny flip phone and had a hole in the top intended for headphone wires to get out from your mp3 player. I think I got it in about 2007 or 2008 so I have definitely got my $80 out of it.
We were talking about the strangest things people have in their purses or backpacks this morning. I had a lot of pens and Sharpies for some reason, a network cable, some various medicines for pain, diarrhea, and congestion, and a number of other things that were relatively benign. But I had four things that were strange.