This really might be the best movie ever made about Jason Statham doing battle with a prehistoric giant shark. (Maybe. There might be others we’re forgetting.)
NBC is rarely one to learn the right lessons from success, so how best to follow a thriving Will & Grace revival? Why, undoing any goodwill from The Office series finale, of course, and plotting an official revival for the 2018-19 season!
At long last, the screenings of Star Wars: the Force Awakens have begun to gradually trickle down through the populace. Last night in Los Angeles, the most beautiful and famous among us had the privilege of bearing witness to J.J. Abrams’ go at a seventh installment of the treasured sci-fi franchise...
Ingrid Michaelson is back. Her new single is called "Time Machine" and she enlisted a bunch of famous dudes to sabotage her in her own video. Can you name them?