There’s still a great deal to sort out as Disney swallows 21st Century Fox whole, but the TV networks themselves may only get a “New” tweak. Network bosses assure that the major FOX stations will continue “business as usual” after the deal closes, while also offering updates on The Gifted, Prison Break and more.
Well, if it worked for Sleepy Hollow and Bones, surely Brooklyn Nine-Nine and New Girl should have no trouble sharing the screen, right? We’ll find out this fall, as the latter two comedies take part in what appears to be FOX’s yearly crossover, bringing Zooey Deschanel and her loftmates to Brooklyn.
Prince was a legend. A musical genius. A massive talent. The music industry has suffered a devastating loss. Here are a few of my favorite Prince moments.
Fans of FOX's 'New Girl' were particularly excited to learn that season 3 would return original pilot star Damon Wayans Jr. to the fold as "Coach" for a four-episode arc that began with this past Tuesday's aptly-titled "Coach." Well, good news! The former 'Happy Endings' star has booked himself a longer stay in the loft, but how long will the 'New Girl' gang be heavy an extra m
So far the only complaint I've gotten about being the 'new girl' on the morning show is that I laugh too much.
I'm not surprised. My whole life my laugh has been my trademark. Although, it has also been polarizing. People either love my laugh or they hate it...