How Costly Is Building a House in South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota?How Costly Is Building a House in South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota?Two are lower than the national average Jeff HarknessJeff Harkness
Sioux Falls Makes List of Cities with Lots of Jobs, Cheap HousingSioux Falls Makes List of Cities with Lots of Jobs, Cheap HousingThe city's job market is one of the hottest in America Jeff HarknessJeff Harkness
Have Home Prices Risen More in South Dakota, Iowa, or Minnesota?Have Home Prices Risen More in South Dakota, Iowa, or Minnesota?One has seen prices jump by more than 50% since 2018Jeff HarknessJeff Harkness
Building the Most New Apartments in Iowa, Minnesota, South DakotaBuilding the Most New Apartments in Iowa, Minnesota, South DakotaThe latest numbers show that the country needs 3.8 million new residences to keep up with demandJeff HarknessJeff Harkness
Here’s The Wage You Need To Make In Minnesota To Afford A 2 Bedroom ApartmentHere’s The Wage You Need To Make In Minnesota To Afford A 2 Bedroom ApartmentThe cost of housing keeps going up. 28% of Minnesotans are renters, and it's taking more money to afford rent.Ken HayesKen Hayes
Iowa Leads the Nation as the Best Place to Do This…Iowa Leads the Nation as the Best Place to Do This…There are a lot of great things about Iowa. From the friendly folks to the small towns and everything in between, there is a lot to love about the Hawkeye state.Bert RemienBert Remien
South Dakota New Home Sizes Saw Biggest Decrease in U.S.South Dakota New Home Sizes Saw Biggest Decrease in U.S.Iowa has some of the smallest houses in AmericaJeff HarknessJeff Harkness
High Praise for South Dakota’s Housing MarketHigh Praise for South Dakota’s Housing MarketTwo new lists have the state among the best of the best Jeff HarknessJeff Harkness
South Dakota Has Some of the Fastest Growing Home Ownership RatesSouth Dakota Has Some of the Fastest Growing Home Ownership RatesBetter than 70 percent statewideJeff HarknessJeff Harkness
What Are the Chances of Sioux Falls’ Home Prices Dropping?What Are the Chances of Sioux Falls’ Home Prices Dropping?Prices are up more than 18 percent in the last year Jeff HarknessJeff Harkness