South Dakota Hunters Advised to Buy Ammo Ahead of Time
The magical time of the year for many has circled around the calendar again. Hunting season is firing up here in South Dakota and around the midwest. There are a few things to take into consideration before you head out to the fields with the opener of the pheasant season coming up. First and foremost, remember to bring ammunition.
The pandemic created shortages of many items and shotgun shells are one of the items that can be hard to find. The South Dakota Game Fish and Parks stated in a recent email,
Make Sure You Have Shells
If you are a hunter or a recreational shooter, you probably know that shells...both rifle and shotgun...aren't as abundant as they have been.
We are recommending having shells before you leave if you are traveling away from home for the weekend. Don't rely on local retailers. At the very least, try to call retailers ahead of time for shell availability.
I admit it's been tough. I have noted some retailers getting a decent shipment a few days ago, but you can bet that it will fly off the shelves. Over your lunch hour, you might want to head to your favorite store and see what's available and stock up. Oh, and the prices for a box of shells are up. Quite a bit!
By the way, here's a tip of the cap to The South Dakota Game Fish and Parks. With the advances they've made with licensing and with their app it's much easier to apply for licenses and to make sure you're following the rules.
Now, if they could just schedule a curbside ammo pickup to your favorite hunting spot!
As always, safety is first and foremost this hunting season. You know. Watch that barrel!
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