Rain over the past week brought moisture to crops and pastures in many parts of South Dakota.

The Agriculture Department says in its weekly crop report that topsoil moisture supplies in the state are rated 82 percent adequate to surplus, and subsoil moisture is 74 percent in those categories.

Corn crop maturity trailed behind the five year average but the crop condition held steady. The 2015 corn crop trailed the five year average for percentage of acres silking by six points as of July 5.

National Corn Growers Association President Chip Bowling tells us,

Given the wet conditions prevalent over much of the Corn Belt in June, it makes sense that corn fell behind in terms of maturity. Yet, with tasseling still ahead, a more advantageous mixture of sun, heat and well-timed showers could help the crop recover. As is so often true, the conditions prevalent during tasseling will play a sizable role in determining the size of the crop at harvest.

Corn acres entering the silking stage rose to 12 percent nationally, up eight points from the week prior. At the same time, the crop condition held relatively steady with acres rated excellent stable over the past week and those rated good rose by one point.


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