Snooki Embarks on Spiritual Quest to Learn If Redheads Have More Fun [PHOTOS]
Now that the election has passed, the country has a new source of division: whether Snooki’s new coif is a hairdo or a hair-don’t.
Ever the narcissist, everyone's favorite party girl from the 'Jersey Shore' posted pics on Monday night of her hair being changed to a bright red hue. And the debate began.
Really, it’s what Snooki would want.
It was a grueling process that took about five hours, not a moment of them spent out of the spotlight. Social media means we're never too far from Snooki.
We say it's more My Little Pony, but to each her own.
The process of making her look like a children's toy began Monday morning with Snooki tweeting, "Dying my hair! Guess what color I'm going!!!" along with this photo:
Of course it looked like she was going blonde (which would've been a true horror), but three hours later, everyone saw the truth as the extensions went in. And based on her single word comment -- "Sexual" -- this was quite the experience for the Snook.
And a mere two hours after that, the look was complete.
Five hours is a long time to spend in a stylist's chair, but we say it was totally worth it. Kept her off the streets anyway.